Cancel Order
Cancel order arrangement (raise before receiving goods)
Before purchasing any product, customers must read all relevant terms and conditions of the website carefully to understand the information of the purchased product (such as size, material, color, delivery time, etc.). All orders cannot be changed or returned once confirmed. Customers have Only reasonable reasons can be used to apply for return. If a return is required due to issues such as size, material, color, delivery time, etc., our store has the right to reject the application. If the store accepts the return application, the following arrangements will be made:
If you apply to cancel your order within 1 day from the date of order placement, our store has the right to refund only 90% of the product price (the product price after deducting any additional fees and related discounts)
- If you apply to cancel the order 1 day after the order is placed and before the shipment notification, our store has the right to refund only 50% of the product price (the product price after deducting any additional fees and related discounts)